JXSC designed a complete 200TPH alluvial diamond wash plant flow chart and a complete set of equipment for Angolan customers. And send engineers to the diamond mine site for installation and commissioning guidance.
In Angola, SOCIEDADE MINEIRA DO CHITOTOLO. LDA is one famous big diamond ore mining group, one of the leaders of the diamond mining industry. We have a good honor to cooperate, and JXSC has become their diamond washing plant’s most important and long-term supplier since 2015.
Customers need to clean the diamond ore to separate out the required 2-25mm particles, other sizes are not required.
The clay can be washed very cleanly by adopting a drum washing machine with a control cabinet. Our engineers define the process and select the best equipment for it. Go to the mine site to inspect in person, and the details are perfect.
After using our equipment, the diamond cleaning equipment removed dirt and debris from my diamonds quickly and efficiently, and it runs very smoothly. The client needed to open a similar diamond wash plant the following year. Choose us without hesitation and use the same solution.
Alluvial Diamond Wash Plant
First use a vibrating feeder with sieve bars to remove large-sized stones.
Smaller particles enter the drum washing machine to clean the diamond ore. The ore washing machine is equipped with two layers of screens of 2mm and 25mm, which mainly separate particles of 2-25mm.
Because the 2-25mm material is likely to be mixed with some particles of other sizes. Therefore, it is necessary to use a high-frequency vibrating screen to separate the 2-25mm material again, and remove the -2mm and +25mm particles.
We provide the best mine processing solution in the industry. We design our products with performance and efficiency, trusted over the years and recognized by many countries. Let’s get you started.
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