Mastering Hematite vs Magnetite: Expert Guide

What is Iron Ore?

iron ore
Iron is the most consumed metal globally and is a vital component in steel production and other industries. Iron ore is used to produce pig iron, which is one of the key inputs in the production of steel. Hematite, magnetite, limonite, and siderite are the types of iron ores. Among these, hematite and magnetite are primary iron ore assets because they have a abundance percentage of iron and are easily accessible.
Hematite( haematite) is also called “natural ore” and it contains more iron than magnetite and therefore is more often used in steel production. Magnetite, is used because of its magnetic characteristics and is applied in the magnetic separation processes despite its lower iron content, i. These ores are mostly mined through large opencast mines and are subjected to several processing techniques to enhance the iron content prior to use in steel making.

What is Hematite?

hematite (1)
● Features: Hematite is a reddish-brown mineral that is non-magnetic and has a metallic to earthy luster. It is primarily made of iron oxide (Fe2O3) and is highly dense in nature. Hematite has some unique characteristics that make it different from other iron ores including magnetite which is magnetic and black in color. Hematite occurs in several habits that include thin tabular, kidney like masses and botryoidal which has a grape like appearance. It is also characterized by a high degree of purity, which is usually seen in nearly pure masses of hematite, and this is normally associated with low levels of impurities. This makes hematite a very valuable ore in the production of the highest grade of ore in steel making.
● Formation and Geological Occurrence: Hematite is one of the most abundant iron ores and is found on the surface of the earth. It is found in various geological structures such as sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Hematite is most commonly found in sedimentary settings because of the sedimentation of iron from water particularly in areas of volcanic activity. It can also be found in large concentrations where there is a high level of oxidation of iron bearing minerals. Some of the major mining locations include the Mesabi Range and the Marquette Range in Minnesota and Michigan respectively, which are well known for their hematite deposits.
● Main Production Area: Large concentrations of hematite is mainly found in the important iron ore bearing regions of the world such as Minas Gerais in Brazil, Hamersley range in Australia and some parts of Asia. North America is a significant mining site. The Labrador Trough in Eastern Canada is well known for its great deal of hematite ore. Some of the major mining sites that are associated with the extraction of hematite include the Carajas Mine in Brazil and the Hamersley Range of Australia, where almost pure hematite is found in the majority of its reserves.
● Uses: Hematite is used in the extraction of iron for the manufacture of steel, which is the most popular application of the mineral. The vast quantity of hematite ore mined is then processed into iron and applied in the manufacture of steel items. Hematite has higher iron content and lower impurity levels than magnetite, which makes it a more suitable iron source for high-grade steel production. In addition, hematite is also employed as a pigment in paints and cosmetics since it has a reddish-brown color. Due to its high iron content, hematite is considered as one of the best iron ore assets for steel makers in the world.

What is Magnetite?

magnetite (1)
● Formation and Geological Occurrence: Magnetite is a mineral that is naturally occurring and is made of iron oxide with the formula Fe3O4. It is created through several geological activities such as igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary activities. Magnetite is found in igneous rocks including basalt and gabbro, and metamorphic rocks including schist and marble. It is usually associated with huge, compact layers known as banded iron formations (BIFs) that formed billions of years ago when iron settled out of the seas in sedimentary rocks.
● Main Production Area: Magnetite is mainly mined in major mining sites such as the Hamersley Range in Australia where the major deposits occur in BIFs. Other areas are Carajas Mine in Brazil, containing large reserves of magnetite, and North America, particularly the United States and Canada. Asian countries such as China and India also possess significant magnetite resources. Some of the major mining locations such as the Mesabi Range in Minnesota are famous for the production of magnetite and, therefore, are core iron ore resources.
● Uses: Magnetite is mainly utilized as a source of iron for the production of steel. Due to its magnetic properties, it has other applications in industries such as in separation techniques and in the production of magnetic data storage products. Further, magnetite is used in coal washing plants, water treatment, and as a heavy media in dense media separation. It is useful in these applications because of its high density and magnetic characteristics. Although it contains lesser amount of iron than hematite, magnetite is still profitable because of new ways of processing that make it possible to produce high grade concentrate.
● Features: Magnetite ore’s magnetic properties is its key feature. Magnetite is an iron oxide mineral that is black in color and has a high magnetic coefficient. It has a metallic shine and a high density, which sets it apart from other types of iron ores. Magnetite is highly demanded in the steel industry since it contains high levels of iron and is used to produce steel. Although it has lower iron grade than hematite, through the use of modern beneficiation techniques, it is possible to produce high grade concentrate from magnetite ore, making it the highest grade ore available . It is also a magnetic material which makes it an important commodity in many industries.

Hematite vs Magnetite

Property Hematite Magnetite
Chemical Formula Fe₂O₃ Fe₃O₄
Magnetic Properties Non-magnetic Strongly magnetic
Crystal Structure Trigonal Isometric
Color and Streak Silver to black, red streak Black or brownish-black, black streak
Hardness5.5-6.5 5.5-6.5
Density 5.3 g/cm³ 5.2 g/cm³
Formation Sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous Igneous, metamorphic
Main Use Steel production, pigments, supplements Steel production, industrial applications
Market ValueHigher due to higher iron content Lower, but valued for magnetic properties

How to Distinguish Hematite from Magnetite?

Distinguish Hematite from Magnetite (2)

Method 1: Density Measurement

In the case of differentiation between hematite ore and magnetite ore, density measurement can be used as a valid technique. This involves taking a sample of the ore and determining its mass and volume to arrive at its density. A pycnometer or a simple graduated cylinder and a scale are used in the process. Density of Hematite will be higher than that of magnetite since it is denser than the latter. This method is especially useful in large mining areas where there are high levels of hematite, such as in the Hamersley Range in the Pilbara region.
The benefit of using density measurement is that it is precise in distinguishing between the two ores since hematite has a higher density. However, the disadvantage of this method is that it needs accurate equipment and can take a long time. This method may not be the most economical sense for all mining companies, especially when there is a need to identify the mineral on-site quickly.

Method 2: Magnetism Test

Magnetism testing uses the magnetic characteristics of magnetite ore. To do this, run a magnet over the ore sample. Magnetite will be attracted to the magnet while hematite, which is either weakly magnetic or non-magnetic, will not respond. This is a simple method of distinguishing the ores and can be done in the field with ease and using a few tools. Click here to learn more about our efficient magnetic separator for magnetite testing.
The magnetism test is preferred because it is fast, simple, and inexpensive, and it only needs a magnet. Nevertheless, it can be less accurate if hematite contains some impurities that slightly change its magnetic characteristics or if magnetite concentration is very low. Thus, it may not always offer the highest level of precision.

Method 3: Crushing and Milling

Comminution includes crushing and milling which reduces the size of the ore to powder form to allow for further testing. This method involves the use of a crusher and a mill. More characteristics can be examined based on the behavior of the powder, such as the effect of separation methods. This is particularly useful in areas that are characterized by near pure masses of hematite.
The advantage of this method is that it is very comprehensive, and the results can be analyzed in detail further. However, it is time-consuming and involves much equipment and labor, which may not be suitable for all mining companies especially those who are in the search of the lowest cost and fastest way of mining.

Method 4: Colour and Streak test

The color and streak test is a kind of simple ways to distinguish hematite from magnetite that entails using a ceramic plate to scrape the ore and observe the color of the streak left behind. Hematite has a reddish-brown streak and magnetite has a black streak. This method is useful in distinguishing the primary type of ore in various situations, ranging from small samples to large scale at major mining operations.

The color and streak test is advantageous because of its ease and the fact that few pieces of equipment are needed. However, the streak test can be less accurate if the ore is not in its pure form, since the presence of impurities may change the color of the streak. However, this method is not very effective when dealing with lump ore samples that are hard to scrape.

Method 5: Effect of Acid

The test for reaction to acid involves putting a drop of hydrochloric acid on the ore sample and noting the reaction. Hematite is relatively unreactive and does not undergo a significant reaction, while magnetite is more reactive due to its chemical composition. This method is particularly helpful in differentiating between high grade ores and those with low iron content.

The reaction to acid tests is straightforward and can give an immediate result on the type of ore present; however, it involves the use of chemicals and safety measures that may not be easily applicable in the field. Also, the test can be affected by impurities such as sulfur in the ore, which may lead to variation in the results.

Method 6: Optical Mineralogy

Optical mineralogy is the method of identifying minerals in thin sections of the ore under the polarizing petrographic microscope. Hematite and magnetite are two minerals that have different optical characteristics that can be distinguished under the microscope. Hematite is generally red to brown in color, whereas magnetite is black and non-translucent. This method is especially effective for mineralogical investigations at primary iron ore deposits.

The benefit of optical mineralogy is that it offers a detailed insight into the mineralogy and texture of the ore, which is useful for research and accurate industrial uses. However, the method is more complex and needs specialized equipment and skills, and thus is less convenient and more expensive than field tests. Thus, it is most appropriate for large-scale mining operations or where the highest level of ore analysis is needed.

Common Mistakes and Solutions in Identifying Hematite and Magnetite

● Confusing Physical Properties: Hematite and magnetite are often confused because they have similar physical properties. Hematite is reddish-brown and non-magnetic in nature whereas magnetite is black in color and is magnetic. This can be especially so when the concentration of magnetite is low in the samples being tested. Take a magnetic separator to separate the two within a short span of time and with a lot of ease, since magnetite will be attracted by the magnetic field while hematite will not.
● Overlooking Geographic Context: This is often the case when the location of the mining site is not taken into consideration when identifying ores. For instance, Minas Gerais is famous for its massive deposits of hematite, while certain regions in the United States may have more magnetite. It is also important to study the usual types of ores present in a given area in order to be prepared for the type of ore that is likely to be encountered.
● Ignoring Mining and Processing Techniques: Failure to apply proper mining and processing techniques when inspecting the data may result in errors. Hematite and magnetite are two different iron ores that need to be processed differently. Employ sophisticated techniques like magnetic separation and beneficiation techniques, which are crucial in identification and subsequent processing.
● Misinterpreting Ore Quality Indicators: It is common to find people making a mistake of thinking that magnetite ores have higher iron content than hematite. Hematite is generally found to be purer and contains fewer impurities as compared to magnetite. Perform streak tests and chemical analyses to determine the quality of the ore. Hematite gives a red streak while magnetite gives a black streak, and this is a very easy way of distinguishing between the two minerals.

● Neglecting Mineral Associations:
Sometimes hematite and magnetite are intergrown with other types of minerals in the same deposits, and this fact can help to determine their presence. For instance, major mining locations in the mountainous Hamersley Range consist of nearly pure aggregates of hematite, which are frequently linked with quartz. Magnetite might be found with other minerals such as ilmenite. By understanding these associations, it is easier to pinpoint the main iron ore resources in a particular area.

Mining Techniques for Hematite and Magnetite

Mining Techniques for Hematite and Magnetite
Hematite Mining Techniques
Hematite is one of the most important iron ores because it is abundant and has high grade and the deposits are usually large and easily accessible. The most common technique used to extract hematite is the open pit mining technique, which is applicable when the deposits are on the surface of the earth. Open-pit mining entails the stripping of a vast amount of overburden to get to the hematite deposits. This method is most suitable for the extraction of the near pure masses of hematite that are found in some important mining locations such as Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. Open-pit mining enables the mining of large quantities of hematite in a way that can be easily processed and transported to steel makers.
Magnetite Mining Techniques
Magnetite is usually present in lower grades and at greater depths than hematite, making it more challenging to mine. This method is widely used to extract magnetite that is found at deeper parts of the earth’s surface through underground mining. This method entails the establishment of tunnels and shafts to access and remove the ore and the use of drills and explosives to break the rock and get to the magnetite. At times, magnetic separation methods are employed at the extraction site to separate magnetite from the other materials because of its magnetic nature. These methods make it possible to mine and process even low concentrations of magnetite, which makes it a viable resource despite its deeper location.

Processing Techniques for Hematite and Magnetite

Hematite Processing Techniques
Hematite is one of the most important iron ore assets and it undergoes several important methods in order to be prepared for steel production. The first operations include comminution, which is the process of reducing the size of the ore to facilitate the liberation of the iron particles from the gangue. At major mining operations such as the Carajas Mine, large amounts of hematite are processed through density-based methods such as jigs and spirals to take advantage of the differences in density. The next step involves flotation where chemicals have a tendency to stick to iron particles and this makes it easy to separate them from other materials. Further, high intensity magnetic separation assists in the removal of the remaining impurities and yields high grade hematite used in steel products.
Magnetite Processing Techniques
Magnetite ore is different from other types of iron ores due to its magnetic nature and thus it has to undergo different processing techniques. The main method used after crushing and grinding is the magnetic separation, which takes advantage of the magnetic properties of magnetite to sort it from the non-magnetic waste. In cases where the concentration of magnetite is low, dense media separation (DMS) is used, where a slurry of finely ground ferrosilicon or magnetite is used to sort particles by density. To further enhance the quality of the ore, flotation can be applied to purify the ore Further, the magnetite concentrate is often rolled into pellets through pelletizing, making hard and strong pellets for use in blast furnaces or direct reduction iron (DRI) plants to produce cost-effectively steel products.

Click here for high-performance mineral processing equipment that improves hematite and magnetite processing efficiency.


Hematite is known for its higher quality and fewer impurities, making it ideal for steel production, while magnetite’s unique magnetic properties are now more economically viable thanks to revolutionary new method.Technological advancements in the processing of these ores include enhanced magnetite magnetic separation technology and enhanced hematite beneficiation techniques are making these ores more economically recoverable. They enable the production of high-grade ore with less impurities and are of immense benefit to steel producers globally. The advancements in technology guarantee a promising future for iron ore mining since companies can supply quality raw materials at reasonable prices.

Choose JXSC Equipment for Your Mining Operations

JXSC Mine Machinery Factory, established in 1985, has built a strong reputation in the international market by providing high-quality mining equipment and exceptional after-sales service. Specializing in a wide range of mineral processing solutions, JXSC offers stone crusher machines, gravity concentration tools, magnetic separation equipment, feeders, and comprehensive EPC services. With experience spanning over three decades, JXSC has successfully served clients in more than 60 countries, handling various minerals including gold, diamond, copper, manganese, and more. The company’s commitment to innovation and technology is demonstrated by its BV and ISO 9001 certifications, ensuring customers receive reliable and efficient equipment with lowest price.
What sets JXSC apart is its customer-centric approach, adhering to the principle of treating customers as paramount. This philosophy drives JXSC to meet diverse equipment needs with speedy and efficient sales and after-sales services. Beyond equipment manufacturing, JXSC provides a full suite of services, including engineering consultation, mineral processing experiments, mine design, installation, commissioning, personal training, and ongoing support. These comprehensive services ensure a seamless, worry-free experience for customers, helping them to shorten construction periods and achieve early profitability. JXSC’s extensive participation in international fairs further underscores its global reach and commitment to staying at the forefront of the mining industry.


Where are the largest iron ore mines for hematite and magnetite located?
The largest iron ore mines for hematite are found in the Hamersley Range in Australia and the Carajas Mine in Brazil. For magnetite, some of the largest mines are located in the Mesabi Range in the United States and the Labrador Trough in Canada, both known for their extensive magnetite reserves and magnetic properties.
How do hematite and magnetite contribute to iron ore exports?
Hematite is a major source of iron ore export because of its availability and high iron content, making it a major iron ore resource. Hematite is also used extensively by companies such as Vale in Brazil for exporting iron ores. While magnetite has a lower iron content and therefore contributes less to global iron ore markets, it remains an important component.
How do the properties of taconite compare to hematite and magnetite?
Taconite contains lesser amount of iron than both hematite and magnetite. Iron is a very versatile metal and it takes a lot of processing to get it out of the ground. But it still remains a significant iron ore source, particularly in the United States, where high grade ores are scarce.


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